Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal as stated by UNESCO
Nepal is a small and peaceful country situated in the lap of the Himalayas and is also known as The Country of Mount Everest and the birth place of Lord Buddha. Though still not exposed to the outer world as it should have been, it is surely exposed in case of heritages. Nepal has numerous heritages which attract the outside world. But among them 10 have been listed by UNESCO in world heritage sites which every Nepali should be proud of. It is surely amazing that within so small area of 147,181 sq. km, Nepal has heritages in large number. These heritages are so fascinating that large groups of tourists come to visit them yearly. These heritages have provided a unique identity to Nepal and the Nepalese people of which all Nepalese should be proud of. Also thanks to our ancestors for handing over those fascinating, majestic, godly heritages to us. There are few heritages in Nepal which are known to us whereas numerous heritages remain hidden, unexplored and out of our knowledge. Some of them are natural whereas others are man-made.

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Top 6 cultural sites of Nepal

List of Top Ten Heritages of Nepal

As all of us know how rich Nepal is in its heritages, it is popular in outside world because of the same reason. Thousands of tourists visit Nepal every year in order to see and visit those fascinating and mind-blowing sites. There are hundreds of heritage sites here which remain unexplored and unknown to us. Among the known ones UNESCO has enlisted ten of our heritage sites in World Heritage Sites. It is a matter of pride to be given such a privilege. These sites have their own uniqueness and incomparable beauty. Of course due to those uniqueness, beauty and maleficence, UNESCO decided to enlist those sites in the most prestigious list of World Heritage Sites. 

The ten heritages sites consists of both natural as well as cultural sites of Nepal. Two of them are natural whereas remaining eight are cultural heritage sites built by our ancestors.

The natural heritage sites which UNESCO thinks is unique and incomparable in whole world are:

1) Sagarmatha National Park

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Roof of the world(Mount Everest)
 Situated in the lap of the mighty Mount Everest, Sagarmatha National Park is the point of major attraction to the world tourists. The most important thing is the Mount Everest(8848 m) situated within this park which is known to be the roof of the world and highest point on earth. Apart from heart-touching views of snow capped mountains and glaciers, it has a vast biodiversity to provide. Snow Leopard, pandas and other rare species of animals along-with varieties of plant species continuously tend to attract people from outside as well as inside Nepal. Also the lifestyles of the native Sherpas of that region put a different taste to those who visit those areas.

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Rare Snow Leopard

2) Chitwan National Park

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepa
Royal Bengal Tiger(cub)
The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepa
Tourists observing one horned Rhino on Elephant back
This National Park is situated in subtropical region of the plain of Terai. Inhabited by the native Tharus, this is the area of rich and diverse biodiversity along-with the unique culture, customs and tradition well preserved by the Tharu Community of that region. Tharu Naach(dance) is very popular among tourists who visit this area. Talking about flora and fauna found there, One Horned Rhinoceros is the rarest species of animals found in this park along-with Royal Bengal Tiger and Gharial Crocodile.

As Nepal is famous for its natural heritages, it is famous for our cultural heritages too. Our cultural heritages are known all over the world for its uniqueness, magnificence and elegance. Those cultural heritages representing Nepal all over the world are as follows:

1) Kathmandu(Hanumandhoka) Durbar Square

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
View of 9 Storey Palace
Nepal's one of the topmost cultural sites is Kathmandu Durbar Square. Located at the heart of the capital city of Nepal, it surely reflects our ancient culture, arts, crafts and architecture. Major attractions of the square are Hanumandhoka Palace, 9 storey Palace built by Prithivi Narayan Shah, Kasthamandap, Shiva-Parvati Temple and many others. It provides a different and pleasant experience to visitors.

Pigeons in Kathmandu Durbar Square

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Hanumandhoka Area

2) Patan Durbar Square

Situated in Lalitpur district of Nepal, this is another example of how brilliant and skillful our ancestors were in arts, crafts and architecture. One of the major attractions here is the Shikhar styled Krishna Temple which is the temple of Hindu God Krishna. Also there is museum to visit which presents every details of the lifestyle, culture and traditions of early Newar Communities.

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
View of Patan Durbar Square

3) Bhaktapur Durbar Square

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Nyatapola Temple
The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Golden Gate and 55 windowed palace
Situated in the smallest district of the country, this square is the most attractive one with numerous magnificent structures and is attractive one. There are more things to see and learn about in this square. 55 windowed palace is one of the major attraction. Similarly, the Golden Gate is incomparable in whole world. Other things to see are Pashpatinath Temple, Barking Bell and Nyatapola Temple(5 storeyed ) also is nearby.

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Changunarayan Temple

 4) Changunarayan Temple

Changunarayan Temple also falls in the holy places visited by the Hindus. Located to the north of Bhaktapur, this temple is one of the oldest temple of Hindus. It was built by Mandev. This is two storeyed-temple built in Pagoda Style and is famous for its uniqueness.

5) Pashupatinath Temple

There is no holy place holier than Pashupatinath for Hindus. Situated in the bank of the bagmati river of Kathmandu, it is believed that this temple was built hundreds of years ago. Thousands of pilgrims from India and other Hindu countries visit this temple every year. Also people of other religions are found to be visiting this holy temple with great enthusiasm and faith.

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Light in Pashpatinath Temple

6) Shwayambhunath Temple

It is known to everyone that Lord Buddha was born in Nepal and obviously Buddhism too. Therefore, it is no surprise that Hindus and Buddhists have been living in harmony for more than hundreds of years in Nepal. The symbol of such harmony can be taken as Shwayambhunath Temple. The Dom-shaped temple is huge and magnificent and the center of attraction for the Buddhists all around the world.

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Swayambhunath Temple alongside Hindu Temples

7) Boudhanath Stupa

Boudhanath Stupa is also situated in Kathmandu and is popular among both Buddhists and Hindus. This stupa is also Dom-shaped and attractive.

The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Ahoka pillar

8) Lumbini

It is known as Birth Place of Lord Gautam Buddha. Hundreds and thousands of Buddhist pilgrims from neighboring countries like China, Taiwan, Burma, Thailand and others come to pay visit every year. Maya Devi Temple is one of the major attractions here. Also Ashoka pillar, Light of Peace, Gumbas built by different countries and stupas are other attractions of the place.
The Heritages Listed by UNESCO in World Heritage Sites of Nepal
Maya Devi Temple and Sacred Pond

If you want to know more click here

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