Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Holiest of Holy Pashupatinath

Holiest of Holy Pashupatinath

Holiest of Holy Pashupatinath
Pashupatinath Temple
Hinduism is one of the oldest religion of the world. It is known to everyone that Nepal was also a Hindu state not so long time ago. It simply means majority of people here are Hindus. In this sense Nepal is rich in Hindu culture, customs and traditions. Similarly lots of Hindu temples built in the names of numerous Gods and Goddesses are found in every nuke and corner of the country. But the holiest Hindu Temple considered in whole world is Pashupatinath Temple. The pilgrims all over the country as well as from outside the country visit the Temple every year.

Holiest of Holy Pashupatinath
Nandi facing towards main entrance of Temple
Pashupatinath is situated 5-7 kilometers north-east of Kathmandu and is easily accessible from any part of the Valley. This temple is the symbol of faith and has been built in the name of Lord Shiva(the destroyer). It is one of the oldest temple which is believed to have been built in 400 A.D. 

Built in Pagoda Style with two levels is considered a masterpiece in terms of Architecture and the sculptures, arts and crafts seen in and around the temple add beauty to the Temple. Also the temple has four entrances on four sides and at the main entrance we can find an idol of Bull(Nandi) facing the temple. Nandi is considered the vehicle of Lord Shiva.

Attractions of Pashupatinath

Inside the Temple there is a statue(called Chaturmukh) of Lord Shiva which represents four faces of Lord Shiva which is considered the most pious and is the main place where the pilgrims and visitors pay homage. That is why it is considered the main attraction of the place.

It is quite fascinating to visit the Pandra Shivalaya which are fifteen in numbers. It seems quite attractive by the arrangement of those Shivalayas. It is one thing every visitor has to see.

Holiest of Holy Pashupatinath
Pandra Shivalaya

There are two ghats to visit to. One is the Gauri Ghat where holy baths are taken by the pilgrims whereas other is the Arya Ghat where fire is given to the dead bodies of people so that their soul would rest in peace in heaven.

Other temples to visit there are Guheswari Temple, Kirateshor Mahadeva Temple, Gorakhnath and Bishworoop Temples. Also the peace forest in the Temple premises is a place to enjoy the nature and have sometime for oneself in calm and peaceful environment.

Occasions to Visit Pashupatinath

As majority of Nepalese are Hindus, they have high faith on Pashupatinath. Therefore they belief that once in lifetime Pashupatinath Temple must be visited to secure a place in Heaven. With this belief thousands of Hindus visit this temple to pay their homage every year. Though the local people offer prayers daily, others visit the Temple on special occasions such as Mahashivaratri, Teej, Ekadasi, Full Moons, Janai Purnima(Rakshyabandhan) and many other auspicious occasions.

Holiest of Holy Pashupatinath
Teej Festival in Pashupatinath
The day of Mahashivaratri is celebrated in a grand way. The hermits and sages from all over India and also the Indian Citizens visit this temple to offer Homage on this auspicious day. The day turns out to be no less than fair and we can see people in such a great numbers. All four doors of the Temple are open on this day and the temple is open for all night.

Another day when the Temple is overcrowded is the day of Teej which is considered the greatest festival for Women. On this day women and girls gather in the Temple Premises to enjoy dancing, singing and praying in their best attires and they do this the whole day. It is believed that fasting on this day helps in their happy married life and long lives of husband and children.

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